I M P A C T C A R D : C L I M A T E J U S T I C E & B I O D I V E R S I T Y
a commission by B-Arts
Renuka was commissioned by B-Arts, a participatory arts organization that helps produce arts activities and experiences for those that face barriers or would not have the chance to engage with the arts. This illustration was made for a set of impact cards with questions focusing on climate justice and biodiversity. These are to be used as part of evaluation sessions with participants to measure the impact of B-arts on the community. The illustration was also used to front promotion for B-Arts Youth Poetry Climate Slam: Speak Your Truth, an incredible initiative that took place in July 2021.
Renuka was inspired by the symbolic nature of protest art, as well as dada-ism to embody the spirit of youth and the urgency of climate justice and biodiversity. Creating monoprints from local flora, she merged these details with dynamic shapes, textures and cyanotypes to suggest optimism and energy.