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A T M A N 

Atman is a celebration of the origins of human creativity and life on the natural landscape.  Taking inspiration from the beauty of old cartography, alchemy and the spiritual language of indigenous cultures, Atman aims to create a thoughtful visual narrative of humanity and its introspective, yet primal side. 


Atman also endeavours to celebrate the landscape by using solely organic and biodegradable elements, to dye and print with. 

Each step in the process is closely monitored to reduce environmental impact.  Where it is possible, resources are re-used, recycled, or composted.  Traditional crafts are interspersed with new technologies, and materials are left to mix and react as nature intended. 


Atman has culminated to a set of printed fabrics, all of which are various forms of organic cotton, or non-violent silk, printed with natural and biodegradable screenprinting inks, and dyed with natural pigments.  A series of bioplastics have also been developed into various precious tools and adornments, having been stained and marbled with natural dyes. 


To see the related works on paper, click here


To see a journal of the process and story, click here


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C R E D I T S 


Photography: Annemarieke Kloosterhof


Models: Alejandro Villa & Anita Zaman 


Creative Direction: Renuka Ramanujam


Garment Construction: Lianne Kohn and Florian Buder 


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